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What we spend

Annual statement of accounts

You will find the annual statement of accounts in our annual reports which are published every September.

Annual reports

In addition, you will find further information about our spending in the following areas of our website:

Financial audit reports

External audit statements can be found in our annual reports.  If you would like a copy of a financial audit report, please contact the Information Governance Department.

Standing financial instructions

  • Standing financial instructions

Capital programme

  • Capital programme - you will find a summary in the annual report

Senior staff and board members allowances and expenses

Expenses will be published on an annual basis every May.

Staff pay and grading structure

Information about our staff grading structure at the Trust can be found below.  This will be updated every April. 


Almost all of the trust's income is provided from public funds. Our main income comes from primary care trusts which commission and pay for services from us and the remainder from Mersey Deanery and North Western Deanery  plus other sources such as:

  • MAST
  • Charitable Funds Committee

Procurement and tendering procedures

The trust follows guidance established by the NHS Purchasing and Buying Solutions for the purchasing of our equipment and supplies.

The trust will advertise for higher value goods and services through the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU)

Details of contracts currently being tendered

  • Contracts currently being tendered - please contact us for this information

List and value of contracts awarded

  •  Current main contracts - please contact us for this information

Transparency - Publication of spend over £25,000

In line with the governments drive to improve openness and transparency in public spending, we now publish our spending over £25,000 every month.