High quality care should be as safe and effective as possible, with patients treated with compassion, dignity and respect. As well as clinical quality and safety, quality means care that is personal to each individual.
The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 came into force on the 1st April 2017. These regulations place a legislative requirement on relevant public sector employers to collate and publish, on an annual basis, a range of data on the amount and cost of facility time within their organisation.
Facility Time is the provision of paid or unpaid time off from an employee’s normal role to undertake TU duties and activities as a TU representative. There is a statutory entitlement to reasonable paid time off for undertaking union duties.
The facility time (FT) data that organisations are required to collate and publish under the 2017 regulations are:
- Number of employees who were relevant union officials during the relevant period
- How many employees who were relevant union officials during the relevant period spent 0%, -50%, 51-99% or 100% of their working hours on facility time
- Percentage of the total pay bill spent on facility time
- Time spent on paid trade union activities as a percentage of total paid facility time hour
Click here to view the report for 2018/19.
This area focuses on the trust’s performance against key patient safety, customer care, patient experience and information governance indicators. The reports cover positive progress and themes for learning and is supported by the Learning into Practice newsletter.
View Complaints, Claims, Incidents and Patient Experience by quarter.
(information relating to previous years can be requested via the Freedom of Information Act process)
View annual customer care reports
CQC Statement of Purpose
East Cheshire NHS Trust's Statement of Purpose can be found here
Preceptorship framework for newly-registered healthcare professionals
East Cheshire Trust is committed to supporting newly registered health professionals, those returning to practice or entering a different part of the register, for example specialist community public health nurses through a period of preceptorship.
Preceptorship is ‘a period of structured transition for the Newly Qualified Practitioner (NQP) during which he or she will be supported by a preceptor, to develop their confidence as an autonomous professional, refine skills, values and behaviours and to continue on their journey of life-long learning (Department of Health 2010).
The period of preceptorship will assist newly registered practitioners to make a smooth transition to enable them to be confident and competent autonomous professionals. (DOH 2011).
The preceptorship period will normally last six months but this may vary according to individual need and local circumstance. (NMC 2006).
Human Tissue Act 2004 licence
The trust's licence from the Human Tissue Authority under the Human Tissue Act 2004 (covering Macclesfield District General Hospital) can be found here.
Health and Safety
Click here to view the trust's registration certificate issued by the Health and Safety Executive.
Click here to view the trust's consent certificate issued by the Health and Safety Executive.
Confirmation of External Auditor Provision
The Trust Board has agreed the appointment of the trust’s external auditor provision. This was confirmed in public on 24th November 2016.
The external audit provision will be provided by Grant Thornton.
The period of the appointment is 2 years from April 2017 to the end of March 2019.
The auditor panel (chaired by the Audit Committee Chair) made recommendations to the Trust Board to make a direct appointment in line with national guidance. The Trust Board considered the following in making their decision:
The Audit provision was below the threshold of £106,000
The trust is in a period of transition
Both the Director and Deputy Director of Finance are relatively new to the organisation and continuing with Grant Thornton provides consistency.
Annual Statement in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
East Cheshire NHS Trust's statement in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 for 2022/23 can be accessed here.
Gender Pay Gap Reports
East Cheshire NHS Trust's Gender Pay Gap Reports can be accessed below:
- Gender Pay Gap Report 2022/23
- Gender Pay Gap Report 2021/22
- Gender Pay Gap Report 2020/21
- Gender Pay Gap Report 2019/20
Compliance Statement
The trust's Chief Executive discussed in his June monthly Trust Board report that the Board had signed off the annual statement of compliance with the conditions as set out in FT4 (8) and G6 (3) that there are good corporate governance standards and objectives in place to manage risks and that the Board has taken all precautions necessary to comply with the license, NHS Act and NHS Constitution.
Corporate Governance Manual
East Cheshire NHS Trust's Corporate Governance Manual can be found here.
Provider Licence Declaration
East Cheshire NHS Trust's Provider Licence Declaration can be accessed here.
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